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Open Access

Details of the Wiley Read & Publish Agreement

The Davidson College Library, in partnership with the Carolina Consortium, finalized a Wiley Read and Publish (R&P) deal in 2022 to  provide "read" access to nearly 1500 journals, plus no-cost Open Access (OA) vouchers for hybrid journal OA publishing.

Updated for 2025! For authors affiliated with participating Carolina Consortium institutions, Wiley will cover the cost of all hybrid journal APCs and a limited number of fully open Gold Journal APCs using vouchers shared among the Carolina Consortium for full Gold Journals. There is a limited number of fee waivers for Gold Journals shared across the Carolina Consortium, so funding is not guaranteed. To read more information on how to publish OA with Wiley through this agreement, see the Wiley Publishing agreement guide

To be eligible:

  • You must be the corresponding author who is affiliated with an eligible Carolina Consortium institution at the point of acceptance. All primary research and review articles qualify.
  • Authors will need to select “hybrid open access” or "gold open access" during the author submission workflow on Wiley’s site.
  • If you have available grant funding to cover author processing charges, we encourage you to use those funds as our shared pool of gold vouchers is limited.

Why Publish Open Access with Wiley

By removing access barriers to published research, open access makes research findings available to everyone – driving forward the pace and strength of global innovation and invention.
As an author, you can be confident that by choosing open access your work has the best chance to be read, cited and shared. Across the Wiley portfolio open access articles typically perform better than articles requiring a subscription to read them.

Publishing articles through this arrangement with gold open access, what is it?

  • The author is waived an Article Publication Charge and the article is immediately freely available online for all to read, download, and share.
  • The author chooses the Creative Commons License, see below.
  • Offer available within a Wiley subscription journal offering hybrid open access

To learn more about publishing open access with Wiley see their guide title The Open Access Advantage.

Creative Commons License

Choosing your Creative Commons License

All license types offered by Wiley require the author to be attributed for their work.

CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution License

Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, adapt the article as long as the author is attributed. The CC BY license permits commercial and non-commercial reuse.

CC BY-NC - Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial License

Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, adapt the article as long as the author is attributed and the article is not used for commercial purposes.

CC BY-NC-ND - Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article as long as the author is attributed, the article is not used for commercial purposes, and the work is not modified or adapted in any way.


*A limited number of society-owned journals have opted out of this license policy - for more information see Wiley's Open Access Without a Creative Commons License page.

Author Instructions

Refer to the Carolina Consortium Agreement - on the Wiley Author Services website for questions specific to Wiley publications and the author submission process. The Author Services website will walk the author through the process of open access article publishing once the article is accepted in any of Wiley's hybrid journals (subscription-based journals which offer an open access option) at no cost to the author. For a description of this author journey, refer to Wiley's "How to order hybrid open access" webpage.

Most* of Wiley’s subscription journals with the open access option publish open access articles under a Creative Commons license. With Creative Commons licenses, the author retains copyright and the public is allowed to reuse the content. You grant Wiley a license to publish the article and to identify as the original publisher.  Most* journals in our open access program offer one or more of three license types.  The selected license type will be indicated in the Open Access Agreement.

Davidson College authors will need to confirm corresponding author status, defined as the author where the majority of the research was conducted.

If you have questions, please contact Kelly Denzer (

Davidson College Library Research Guides are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035