Throughout the semester, there might be circumstances that require you to hide certain links within a citation:
- Broken Link: You or your students notice that a particular link to an electronic resource is not working properly.
- Platform Preference: An electronic resource is available through multiple databases, but you would prefer that your students access the resource through a specific platform.
- eBook Preference: A citation has both a print book and eBook, but you would prefer that your students have access to the eBook rather than a physical copy on course reserves in the library.
To hide a specific link or physical item:
1. Click on the citation to view available physical and electronic formats.
2. Under the Links & Availability section locate the link you want to hide from display, select the ellipsis to open the menu, and select Hide link.
3. A Hidden indicator will appear in orange text next to the selected link. All of the links will remain visible to you and you can view the list as a student to confirm that the link is hidden.
If you would like to hide the availability of physical materials, you can toggle the Hide button.