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Digital Collections

A guide to digital collections and materials from Archives and Special Collections at Davidson College.

Further Digital Collections



Ancient cuneiform tabletCuneiform Tablet Collection

Collection of cuneiform tablets dating to about 2000 BCE. This collection is made digitally available thanks to the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative




Sixteenth - Nineteenth Centuries

1584 Ortelius and de Chiaves  "La Florida" MapCumming Map Collection

Find digitized versions of all of the maps from the Cumming Map Collection, one of the finest collections of American maps of the southeast in the world, held in print in the Davidson College Smith Rare Book Room. To learn more, see the research guide.



Nineteenth Century

Arabic Bible

Omar ibn Sayyid Collections

This exhibit is a curated collection of scanned leaves from an Arabic Bible owned by Omar ibn Sayyid, as well as his two Arabic translations of the Lord’s Prayer, all dating back to the early-to-mid 19th century. The selected Bible leaves feature notations authored by Sayyid at an unknown date in the margins of the printed text (marginalia).




Civil War Sermon Letter from CollectionNineteenth Century Family Papers and Plantation Records of Davidson College Trustees 

Includes the papers of Robert Zenas Johnston, Reverend Jethro Rumple, and Adam Brevard Davidson. Visit DigitalNC for a more complete description of these papers.  



 1837-1887 Semi-Centennial Catalog Front CoverSemi-Centennial Catalog

The semi-centennial catalog Davidson College (1837-1887) was the first attempt at a comprehensive compilation of Davidson alumni, trustees, and faculty providing far more data than the preexisting lists of Davidson graduates. The Davidson Alumni Association appointed an early committee in June 1886 with the special task of compiling this book with the hope that it would “remind the student of his college life and the friendships there formed, but will also afford him                                                 much cause for pride in his Alma Mater and gratification at the results of her first fifty years’ work.”  


Inaugural Address RH Morrison Title PageInaugural Presidential Addresses

Find nineteenth century inaugural addresses from the first president of Davidson College, Reverend Robert Hall Morrison, delivered in August 1838 and from Daniel Harvey Hilldelivered in February 1855.



Trustees Minutes Handwritten NoteNineteenth Century Davidson College Trustee Meeting Minutes

The typescripts of the nineteenth century trustee meeting minutes are available online and keyword searchable. The Board of Trustees originally comprised of representatives from the various local Presbyterian synods. These records include information about disciplinary actions, faculty proposals, the effects of the Civil War, and the treatment of college "servants."


Faculty Minutes Typewriter NoteNineteenth Century Davidson College Faculty Meeting Minutes

The typescripts of the nineteenth century faculty meeting minutes are available online and keyword searchable. The collection also contains the minutes of the Trustees of Western Carolina College (1821 - 1824). These records include information about disciplinary actions, course recommendations, the effects of the Civil War, and the treatment of college "servants."


Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Cover of the 1922 edition of the Davidson College MagazineDavidson Monthly (1870 - 1871, 1886 - 1930)

Subtitled “A Magazine Devoted to Science, Literature and Art,” The Davidson Monthly reported on local events, published the important speeches of the Eumenean and Philanthropic literary societies, and ran editorials, but the focus of the magazine was poetry, prose, and essays written by Davidson students and alumni.




Red and White Newspaper "School to Have Cheerleaders" HeadlineDavidson, NC Newspaper Collection, 1883-1958

Newspapers play a critical role in communities - even small communities where everyone seems to know one another. For the town of Davidson, the college publications of The Davidson Magazine and The Davidsonian offered local news columns, unfortunately, the coverage varied and never included the summer months. Other enterprising citizens created small papers over the decades and while gaps in coverage remain, these papers offer wonderful glimpses of the town's                                           past.


Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries

Beasley's NewspaperBeasley's Farm and Home Weekly

Newspaper published in Charlotte, NC.

July 31, 1941- October 31, 1941


Cover of fall 1990 edition of the Davidson Journal titled The Black Experience at Davidson CollegeDavidson Journal (1987 - Present)

The Davidson Journal was first published in the spring of 1987 at the College's sesquicentennial celebration alongside the Davidson Update (which was a spin-off of the Alumni Journal). It merged with the Davidson Update after the fourth issue in the fall of 1989. It comes out four times a year, once per season, and includes Alumni news and stories about the College. Anyone with a Davidson College email address can view if you are logged in.


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Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035