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Open Source Citation Management Tool

Citing with Zotero

There are two ways to cite references using Zotero: Quick-Citing and the Word Plug-In

Word Plug-In

This Zotero feature requires Microsoft Word (if you do not have Word, skip to Quick-Citing below)

  1. Open Word, or restart Word
    • Once you install Zotero, the Word Plug-in will cite automatically)
  2. Locate the plug-in in Microsoft Word
    • Look for a toolbar, similar to the ones below
      • Depending on your version of Microsoft Word, this might be in different places—look either under Add-Ins, under Tools, or for a small pop-up window

A screenshot of the Zotero 5.0 cite screen

A screenshot of the word plug-in in Zotero 4.0


  1. Start citing
    • Create an in-text citation using the insert citation button [#1 in figure above]
      • Select a citation style
      • Search or select the citation in your Zotero Library
    • Generate a bibliography [#2 in figure above] (this requires at least one in-text citation)
      • To change the style you cited in, click on the Doc Preferences [#3 above]
      • If you need additional styles you can download them at the Zotero Style Repository:


  1. Right-click or Control click on a source in your Zotero Library (use shift to select multiple sources) 

  2. Select “Create a Bibliography from Item” from the drop-down list 

    • To create an in-text citation, use the Citations output
    • To create a reference list, select the Bibliography output
  3. Choose an output method (Copy to Clipboard is easiest for pasting directly into a document)
    • ​​Paste into a document or open the document (if output was RTF or HTML)


ZoteroBib is a interactive web tool that lets you create citations using a title, URL, ISBN, DOI or other identifiers to create citations and bibliographies.

Go to to use the tool.

Select a Citation Style

Zotero has 12 default citation styles, but you may download others (over 8300 styles available).

To set your default style:

  1. Go to Zotero Desktop
  2. Select Options/Preferences in 
  3. In the new window select the Export tab
  4. Select style from drop-down menu
  5. Ok
    NOTE: If style is not in list, follow directions below

Download other citation styles

  1. Find a style on this page,
  2. Select the style and download the file
  3. When you open the file Zotero will add it to your default style options.

Making Annotated Bibliographies using "Nature Biotechnology" and "Journal of Immunology"

To create an annotated bibliography using the nature biotechnology citation style, follow the below steps:

1. Install the nature biotechnology citation format. 

Zotero does not have the nature biotechnology citation style pre-installed. However, it's relatively simple to download the applicable plugin. Follow the below steps: 

  1. Visit Zotero's style repository
  2. Search "Nature Biotechnology" in the search box 
  3. Download the file
  4. Open the downloaded file, and Zotero will automatically add it to your default style options.

2. Download the below plugin. This custom file (created by Jayme Sponsel) exports user-created annotations from Zotero's "extra" field.

3. Annotate each source using Zotero's "Extra" field.  

For each citation, add your annotation in Zotero's "extra" field, as demonstrated below:


4. Using the "Quick Cite" method, export each citation using the "Nature Biotechnology Annotated" format (shown below):

4. Format the citation so the annotation is properly aligned with the citation.

When you first export your citation, the annotation will trail the citation as shown below: 

You'll need to move the annotation to the next line and indent it. When finished, the citation should look like this: 

To create an annotated bibliography using the Journal of Immunology citation style, follow the below steps:

1. Download the below plugin. This custom file exports user-created annotations from Zotero's "extra" field.

2. Annotate each source using Zotero's "Extra" field.  

For each citation, add your annotation in Zotero's "extra" field, as demonstrated below:


3. Using the "Quick Cite" method, export each citation using the "Journal of Immunology Annotated" format (shown below):

4. Format the citation so the annotation is properly aligned with the citation.

When you first export your citation, the annotation will trail the citation as shown below: 

You'll need to move the annotation to the next line. When finished, the citation should look like this: 


Add Annotations to Any Citation Format

  1. Download the citation format you want to edit from Zotero's style repository
  2. Open the file using a text editor 
  3. Rename the code and make the following edits
    1. In the field beginning with <title>, add "Annotated" to the citation's name
    2. In the field beginning with <id>, add "-Annotated" to the citation's link
    3. In the field 2 lines down (beginning <link href) , add "-Annotated" to the citation's link
      • Steps 3i-3iii are demonstrated below:
    4. Above the third to last field (</layout>), create a new line with the following code:
      • <text variable="note" prefix=". "/>
        • Step 3iv is demonstrated below:
  4. Download the edited code 
  5. Using Zotero, annotate each source using the "extra" field
    • This is demonstrated below:
      • ​​​​​​
  6. Using the "Quick Cite" method, export each citation using the edited format
  7. Format the citation so the annotation is properly aligned with the citation.
    • You'll need to move the annotation to the next line and indent it. When finished, the annotation should look like this:

Add Links to All Citations

Using default settings, Zotero only attaches URLs to articles lacking specified page ranges. To include URLs on all citations (articles, journals, and newspapers), follow the below steps: 

1. Under Zotero's settings, select "preferences." 

2. Select the "Cite" submenu. 

3. Check the box entitled "Include URLs of Paper Articles in References." 

Davidson College Library Research Guides are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035