First admissions counselor committed to minority recruitment
Pictured here as a junior, Beadsie Woo was the first person of color elected as SGA president.
Founded in 1992
Founded in Spring 1998, OLAS was first pictured in the 1999 Quips and Cranks.
Leonard Satterwhite hired as full-time admission staff for minority recruitment
Mary Farmer was the first woman to graduate after spending all four years at Davidson
Ruth Ault (Psychology) was the first Jewish professor at Davidson
Women’s Center started (later becomes Union Committee in 1982)
President Spencer forms Committee on Minorities to "remain alert to the concerns and needs of minorities at Davidson, especially members of the black minority, to monitor our progress in that area and to make recommendations."
Paula Moore Miller was hired as Assistant Dean of Students and was the first African-American to serve in that role.
Martin Luther King Lecture series begins (later develops into Black History Month Cultural Arts Series).
Thelma Adair is the first African-American woman to be elected to the Board of Trustees.
President Kuykendall appoints Task Force on Racial and Ethnic Concerns. Final Report leads to Project ’87 – a list of goals for increasing diversity at Davidson College. View the digitized official report .
College hosts Symposium on Black Concerns in Higher Education.
Beadsie Woo '86 elected as SGA President. First female, person of color, and Asian-American to serve in the role.
First Gay support group formed sponsored by Chaplain’s Office, the College Union, and the Residence Life Office (RLO).
Love of Learning program developed by Davidson College to increase minority enrollment in colleges official launches. Led by Rev. Brenda Tapia who was the first African-American and female chaplain at the college, the program ended in 2005. A similar program, Freedom Schools, was added.
Davidson Black Alumni Network begins and holds its first meeting during Homecoming.
Faculty approve Cultural Diversity Requirement on March 29, 1988
Rosemary Zumwalt became the first woman to be elected faculty vice-chair pro tem.
In the 1988-89 school year, Davidson begins participation in COSEN (Carolinas Ohio Science Education Network), which offered summer research opportunities for students. Funded through the PEW Liberal Arts Enrichment Program, the program had provisions for supporting African-American and women students in science and mathematics.
College catalog has entry for services for learning disabilities
First African-American alumni trustee elected, William S. Hutchings II '78
Second Family Program started to encourage special relationships between African-American students and Davidson faculty and staff.
An Assistant Dean of Students is assigned to work with students with learning disabilities.
Davidson participates in Leadership South, a consortium of five leading southern liberal arts colleges working to improve public education. Program includes offers of summer academic enrichment programs, graduate fellowships for minority graduates, recruitment of minority faculty and development of a minority alumni network.
A.C.E.S (Academic and Career Enrichment for Students) Program began. Coordinated by Dean of Students, the program was designed to improve minority student retention.
Celebrating Diversity Lecture Series started
Gender Studies added to curriculum
FLAG - Friends of Lesbians and Gays founded (Renamed in 1999 to BGLAD [Bisexuals, Gays and Lesbians at Davidson]; Renamed in 2001 as Gay-Straight Alliance)
Campus Harmony Committee begins first book discussion for new student orientation
Nancy Cable becomes first woman to serve as Dean of Admission
In the 1992-1993 academic year. Anthony Foxx '93. In the 1992-93 academic year, Foxx was elected as SGA President. First African-American to hold the position.
College awarded Philip Morris 3-year grant “Tolerance on Campus: Establishing Common Ground"
Sexual orientation appears in the non-discrimination policy in the college catalog for the first time
College hosts Coeducation 20th Anniversary celebration.
Ethnic Studies Concentration added to curriculum
Mwandi, Zambia summer program started
Nancy Fairley is first tenured African-American woman faculty member
Pre-Orientation program offered for minority students (now STRIDE)
Ghana summer program started
Asian Studies Concentration established
Residence Life Office makes accessibility improvements to Belk and Richardson dormitories.
Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) founded
Gender Resource Center opens in student union (founded by FLAG and Women’s Issues Committee and first housed in Belk Residence Hall)
College holds Coeducation 25th Anniversary Celebration with Gloria Steinem as Reynolds Lecturer
Davidson College suspends classes for Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations (See this Davidsonian article for details of the festivities.)
Asian Culture and Awareness Association founded
Gender Equity Study published
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