Your experience studying abroad can shape your research interests in interesting and useful ways. Sometimes students come back from their study abroad experience and find that they would like to do more in-depth research about one of the following things they experienced firsthand:
Davidson students have used their study abroad experience to also interrogate issues related to reverse culture shock. See an example here.
Schedule a consultation with a librarian today to learn more about your area of interest.
Reading newspapers from your host country can be a useful way to stay up to date and practice your language skills! Use these resources to read international news or stop by the library's newspaper section for current international newspapers like "Le Monde" or "Die Zeit"
The transition back to Davidson can be challenging. After you have grown accustomed to your host culture, food, language, and friends or family, it might be daunting or overwhelming to try to adjust to Davidson and the U.S. again. It might be difficult to put your experiences into words or explain to your friends and family exactly what you are going through. Some symptoms of reverse culture shock include:
Some actions you can take to re-adjust:
Sources: University of Iowa, Marquette University, USAC
Other tips from the Davidson Study Abroad Office
More Resources
Practice the Language
Watch international films
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