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Electronic Resources Guide

This guide provides linking information for electronic resources..

EZproxy allows access to our resources for active/registered Davidson College students, faculty, and staff by logging in with their Davidson College credentials to access our owned and subscribed resources. If you are on campus or already logged into the Davidson system, this access will be seamless. Off campus, resources will only recognize Davidson College patrons when the unique library URL is applied that includes this prepend:

Below are some steps you can take on your own to ensure the links you are using and providing to others are correct.

  • Faculty
    • Ensure the links you are using to direct students to Davidson resources are coming directly from the library website. Leganto is the easiest and most accessible method to use. If you have questions on how to use Leganto or need help creating your list, contact library staff.
    • Use links that are provided by the catalog or databases captured through the "permlink" option.
    • Remove/replace previous URLs you have in bookmarks, Word Docs, Google Docs, syllabi, Moodle or other platforms you are using and replace with the most current URL permalink that will include as the beginning.
  • Students
    • Use the library website to access resources for your research.
    • Use links available through the "permlink" option within databases and the catalog when saving for later access.
    • Sign-in to the library catalog before you begin your search. This allows you to save searches and create lists allowing you to easily find resources later and URLs will be automatically updated as changes are implemented in our systems.


Ensuring Off-Campus Access

In order for publishers to recognize you as an authorized Davidson College user, you must have a Davidson College IP address or connect through our proxy server. Links the library provides through the catalog, guides, or A-Z database list already have the proxy in place.

The library proxy prefix will route any off-campus user to Davidson single-sign-in.

If you are not able to access a resource you believe we should have access to follow these steps:

  • look at the url you are using, does it include the following component?


  • here is an example:


  • If you do not see these components, try adding this string to the beginning of the url you are using:
    • for instance

If your issue persists, use the Report a Problem form to contact library staff.


Davidson College Library Research Guides are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035