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Copy of Copyright New Draft: Annual Copyright License

Annual Copyright License

Davidson College may have already purchased rights to use a copyrighted through an Annual Copyright License from the Copyright Clearance Center.

The Annual Copyright License is designed to help save faculty and staff member's time, support learning and research, and ensure that the college is in compliance with copyright law.

How to Check if a Title is Covered by the License

To see if a title is covered by the library's Annual Copyright License with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC),

  1. Go to the Annual Copyright License search page
  2. Search for the title of the periodical or book. You can also search by ISSN or ISBN.
    Copyright clearance center search screen
    Note: for articles, be sure to search for the title of the periodical, not the title of the article.
  3. When you find the correct publication title, look in the "Annual License Holders" box on the right.
    Location of Annual License Holders box
    If "Academic License - Digital/Print" has a green check mark next to it, you are free to use this title in your course materials or share it with others at Davidson. You may continue to use the material for the duration of the library's license agreement with the CCC.

    If "Terms" appears beneath "Academic License - Digital/Print," check to see what terms the publisher has placed on this item.  Some include:
    • "Permission for this title varies by date"
      Enter the publication year and then click on the "Annual License Options" tab to see if the year is covered.
    • "Public Domain"
      If a title is in the public domain, then you may freely share or distribute it.

What the License Covers

The library's Annual Copyright License covers 1.5 million titles, including journals, magazines, newspapers, and books, and it grants Davidson College employees and students the right to use and distribute print and electronic content from these 1.5 million titles in:

  • Course reserves
  • Postings in Moodle or Blackboard
  • Coursepacks
  • Class handouts
  • Email among Davidson faculty, staff, and students
  • Research collaboration among Davidson students, faculty, and staff as well as collaboration with outsiders working on a research project sponsored by or recognized by Davidson College
  • Administrative communications
  • A small, password-protected repository for use by a small group of Davidson faculty and students
    Note: the repository must be small in size and restricted to on-campus use by a class or small group. It must not replace the need for a subscription to or the purchase of copyright works.

What the License Does Not Cover

  • The reproduction of all or substantially all of a work
  • The right to use, manipulate, or change a copyrighted work so that it does not substantially resemble the original
  • The right to use a work for advertising or promotion
  • The right to create a database or collection, except one created for an individual academic course or for a small group of employees or students
    Note: the database or collection must also be small in size and must not replace the need for a subscription to or the purchase of copyrighted works.
  • The right to distribute copyright-protected works to anyone other than a Davidson College employee or student unless that person is collaborating on a research project sponsored by the college.*
  • Interlibrary loan borrowing or lending
  • Usage rights for audio, video, and images
    Note: photographs and images included in a covered work may be shared but only in the context of the work.

 * The license does grant college employees the right to share a paper or electronic copy with a government agency or recognized accrediting agency if the content is required by the government agency (e.g. for patent applications) or accreditng agency and if that copy includes the following notice: "This Copy of Copyrighted Material was Made and Delivered to the Agency under License from Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. -- No Further Reproduction is Permitted."

Meet with a Librarian (Copyright)

Meet with a research librarian to discuss a copyright question.

Davidson College Library Research Guides are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035