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Integration at Davidson

A guide containing archival and special collections material about integration and the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20th century in and around Davidson, NC. The majority of these sources are found in Davidson College Archives & Special Collections.

Integration at Davidson

In the fall of 1962, Benoit Nzengu, became the first Black student at Davidson College. Nzengu's enrollment, along with that of another Congolese student, began the period of racial integration at Davidson. In 1964, the first African-American students enrolled. 

Publicity shot of Ben Nzengu, 1962. (Photo 26-794)

Ben Nzengu, the first Black student at Davidson (Congolese) (1962)

This guide is designed as a resource to help researchers locate archival collections and materials from Archives & Special Collections related to the period of integration at Davidson College. This guide is organized by resource type, including:

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Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035