Several events for faculty, staff and students have been planned in recognition of the holiday and the relevance of King's contributions to current social justice issues and movements.
MLK Programming on Campus
SIAD Presents: Reducing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process
11:00AM – 12:30 PM | Spencer Weinstein Center for Community & Justice | Professional Development
Members of Student Initiative for Academic Diversity will facilitate a workshop on equitable hiring practices inspired by their experiences serving on Davidson College’s tenure-track faculty searches. This workshop has been adapted for staff hiring managers with the goal of expanding the practice of equitable hiring to all campus divisions and departments.
Registration is required:
Davidson College Police Discuss the Possibilities and Limits of Fair and Impartial Policing Training and Body Cameras
11:05AM – 12:30PM | Spencer Weinstein Center for Community & Justice | Lunch & Learn
Come and join Davidson College’s Chief of Police, Todd Sigler and Assistant Chief, Carolyn McMackin, and Chief Scott Cunningham, a certified Fair and Impartial Policing (FIP) trainer, in a community conversation about their experiences with FIP training and body cameras. How do these tools and interventions reduce racial bias in policing, and what are the challenges and limitations?
Registration is required and lunch is provided:
Implicit Bias Faculty Research Panel
5:00PM – 6:15PM | Hance Auditorium | Faculty Research Panel
National and local scholars in social psychology and industrial and organization psychology discuss the origins and vast applications of implicit bias research. They will share findings from their respective research projects that shed light on the role of racial bias in student learning outcomes, health disparities, employment and workplace diversity.
Luis M. Rivera, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Enrica N. Ruggs, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology at University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Scott Tonidandel, Wayne M. & Carolyn A. Watson Associate Professor, Department of Psychology at Davidson College
Experimenting as Teachers (EAT) Lunches
12:00PM – 1:00PM | Center for Teaching and Learning
Guest professor Luis M. Rivera, will join Davidson College professors in a conversation about his research on implicit bias in academic spaces. Professor Rivera will share his own practice(s) as an educator for preventing and responding to racial bias and microaggressions in the classroom.
Registration is required: email Karen Baldwick at
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