If your driver's license or ID has Davidson, NC in your address, you can obtain a library card with borrowing privileges at the E.H. Little Library.
Community patrons are allowed 10 books at a time for a 3 week borrowing period. Ask to register at the Information Desk in the lobby today!
Reeves Temple AME Zion Church (Davidson, NC)
Shared Stories is a collection of photographs, oral histories, and records documenting the lives and contributions of African-Americans in the greater Cornelius, Davidson, and Huntersville, NC area. To view materials from Shared Stories, please visit the pages linked below.
Enoch Donaldson, who worked as a janitor at Davidson
Always Part of the Fabric is a short film created to show an overview of the ways African-Americans shaped Davidson College from its beginnings to the present day. The documentary is organized chronologically and divided into 4 main time periods:
1. 1837 – 1865
2. 1865 – 1900
3. 1900 – 1962
4. 1962 - present
To view the film, please click here. To view the accompanying textual supplement, please click here.
ArchiveGrid is a discovery system listing over 7 million records from archives, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions. The system has 1,400 member institutions.
Davidson College Library Research Guides are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035