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Communication Studies 101: Principles of Oral Communication : When to Cite

When You Don't Need to Cite

When do you not have to include citations?

Check out the When You Don't Need to Cite page!

A note about copyright

Information that is in the public domain (no longer under copyright) and available freely on the web must still be cited.

 For more information see:

When you need to cite

  1. When you include any ideas, quotations, diagrams, images, video, or audio in your work that are not your own.

  2. When you present specific information, such as statistics.

  3. When you include any information that is not generally agreed upon by scholars or is considered controversial.

Why cite?

  1. To give proper credit to the ideas you have referenced.

    Scholarly research always involves building on the ideas of other researchers.  Citations are a way to show appreciation for the time and effort of fellow researchers. 

  2. To make your sources easily identifiable.

    Other scholars may want to use some of the same sources you did, or check your sources to make certain your research is well-founded.  Proper citation style will ensure that your sources can be easily identified. 

For more information on why and when to cite, see:

Citation management

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