Langston Hughes : material from the vertical files of the Schomburg Collection, 1926-1967 [microfilm]WHERE TO FIND: Microfilm cabinet C-32
Collection description: "Biographical information about Hughes' life and activities. Hughes' writings form the largest series in the collection and consist of manuscripts, typescripts, and drafts of books, including NOT WITHOUT LAUGHTER, FAMOUS AMERICAN NEGROES, and FIRST BOOK OF JAZZ; plays; poems; short stories; songs; and reviews of some of his published works. Material relating to programs, activities, and events in which Hughes participated or was the subject including memorial tributes, personal appearances, radio broadcasts, recordings, speeches, and television broadcasts. Papers related to programs which incorporated a presentation of Hughes' works consisting of news clippings, printed programs, and leaflets announcing or describing the programs. Also, general criticism of Hughes as a writer, and some information on sources of Hughes' material in other institutions in the United States."