The AMA style is used by students and researchers in the field of medicine.
ACS requires that you document sources with in-text/parenthetical references and a comprehensive list of references at the end of your paper. The ACS style requires that you use abbreviated titles for journals. Use the CASSI search tool to find abbreviations for major chemistry journals.
To make an in-text references in AMA, use a numerical superscript. Cite references consecutively:
The findings were confirmed by a recent study.1 Some reports2,3 suggest otherwise.
Core elements: Author's names, article title, Periodical Title (in italics), year (in bold), volume (in italics and abbreviated), pages, and doi (if online).
Note: In the AMA style journal titles are abbreviated. Refer to Web of Science's Journal Title Abbreviations to find journal abbreviations.
Journal article |
Anell A. The public-private pendulum: Patient choice and equity in Sweden.
N Engl J Med. 2015;372(1):1-4. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1411430.
Lacovara JE. Creating a healthy practice environment: A call to action for oncology nurses.
Oncol Nurs Forum. 2015;42(5):555-557
Non-scientific article (newspaper, magazine) |
Reynolds G. For athletes, the risk of too much water. The New York Times
Published August 16, 2015. Accessed August 20, 2015.
Reynolds G. For athletes, the risk of too much water. The New York
Times. Aug 16, 2015: D1.
Article in a reference source |
Academic medicine. In: Lock S., Last JM, Dunea G, eds. The Oxford illustrated companion to
medicine. 3rd ed. Oxford; Oxford University Press. 2001;5-7.
Core elements: Author/editor name, Book title (in italics), volume #, edition # (unless 1st edition), publisher, publisher location, date, pages, database, doi/url, & access date (if online). Books are not heavily used in the physical sciences, so only basic examples are provided here. Note: For online resources, include the URL and the access date. For additional information, see the AMA Style Guide.
Book with a single author |
Rutkow IM. Bleeding blue and gray: Civil war surgery and the evolution
of American medicine New York: Random House; 2005.
Book with 2+ authors |
Curtis S, Taket AR. Heath and societies: Changing perspectives. London;
Arnold; 1996.
Edited book |
MacAuley D, Best TM. eds. Evidence-bases sports medicine. Malden, Ma:
BMJ Books: 2007.
Chapter in a book |
Growasser Z, Keren O. International perspectives on TBI rehabilitation. In:
Zasler N, Katz D, Zafonte. Brain injury medicine: Principles and Practice.
New York: Demos; 2011:21-26.
Note: For online resources, you will need to include: the designation [Online] for books and articles, a doi (digital object identifier) or URL, and the date you accessed the source online.
Webpage |
Mayo Clinic Staff. HIV/AIDS. The Mayo Clinic.
Published July 21, 2015. Accessed August 5, 2015.
Government or organizational reports |
World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia.
Pandemic influenza preparedness plan.
Published 2015. Accessed June 15, 2015.
ebook |
Goodman KW. Ethics and evidence-based medicine fallibility
and responsibility in clinical science. New York: Cambridge
University Press; 2003.
CB0978051154551. Accessed August 26, 2015.
Chapter in an ebook |
Merli GJ, Weitz HH. Medical consultation. In: Wachter RM,
Goldman L, Hollander H, eds. Hospital Medicine. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia: LWW; 2005:235-240.
lib/norquest/Doc?id=10825240. Accessed May 5, 2015.
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