Copyright laws have changed over the years, so it often takes some investigation to determine a work's copyright status. You'll need to know one or more of the following:
Sometimes copyright information will be readily available. This will tell you whether the content is copyrighted and whether permission is required.
Places to look for this information include:
Unpublished Works
If a work has not been published, the following copyright terms apply:
Published Works
The copyright status of a published work varies depending on when it was published and whether or not the work was registered, renewed, or published with a copyright notice.
Published without a copyright notice:
Published with a copyright notice:
Not sure if a work has been registered or renewed? Ask a Librarian.
This site is intended for informational purposes only. Library staff members cannot give legal advice. For legal advice, you should contact an intellectual property attorney.
Meet with a research librarian to discuss a copyright question.
A copyright notice can provide information about a work's copyright status, but the lack of a copyright notice does not mean a work is not copyrighted. Remember that a work does not have to be registered or even published to have copyright protection.
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CC BY-SA 4.0.
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