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ENG 482: Poetics of Relation Research Guide: O Starry Starry Night

Prof. Flanagan

Play Information

Critical Takes from the Class

Van Gogh believes artists should be the only authentic societal critics, because they see beauty in their natural surroundings while those that subscribe to imperialism preoccupy themselves with the accumulation of power. Walcott spoke in his Nobel Lecture about the ways in which people often overlook the Caribbean’s natural beauty because they are too distracted commodifying Caribbean goods. Van Gogh demonstrates his disillusionment as an artist when he berates the soldier because he reveals how he struggles to maintain authenticity in an artistic climate that favors work in the image of the empire.  

Taylor Pisel '14

PowerPoint Presentation

Taylor Pisel '14 and Coleman O'Neill '14 provide a powerpoint presentation on O Starry Starry Night. The presentation covers the eccentricity of the major characters, discusses common themes, and evaluates significant quotes in the play.

Outside Commentary and Analysis

Given that O Starry Starry Night was published February 18, 2014, we were unable to find any critical analyses of the play. Thus, make sure to read our critical takes from class as they are extremely current and original.

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