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How to Find Videos

How to find streaming videos and DVDs, create playlists and clips, and more

How to Submit a Digitization Request

To submit a video digitization request:

1. Search for a video in the library's catalog. Once you have located the DVD you need digitized, sign in to your account to submit the request.

2. A "Digitization" link should appear under the "Availability" section. Selecting this link will open the request form.

3. Enter your course number, semester, additional information, and the date your students need access to the video. Once you're finished, click Send Digitization Request. You can monitor the status of your request in the "My Requests" area of your library account.

Streaming Media FAQs

What happened to the old streaming request process?

What makes this new process easier?

Which streaming platforms are searchable in the library catalog?

Are there other places I should check before submitting a digitization request?

What if I am unable to locate a streaming video or physical DVD in the library's collections?

Wait, what happened to the old streaming request process?

The library experienced a dramatic increase in digitization and streaming video requests during the pandemic. The emphasis on streaming/digitized content as a way to ensure equitable and expanded access to course materials led us to anticipate a consistent level of demand even after our return to in-person instruction. As a result, in 2022 we revised our process to leverage our existing systems to better serve faculty and students.

A review of submitted streaming/digitization requests revealed that a high percentage of digitization requests were for titles accessible through streaming platforms licensed by Davidson. In many cases where we did not already have access to a streaming version through a subscription, we were able to provide access by licensing films individually through one of our existing streaming platforms. This meant that a smaller number of requests actually resulted in the digitization of a physical DVD.

What makes this new process easier?

In order to place a digitization request, you will need to locate a physical DVD in the library catalog. Once you have located the DVD, you can select the "Digitization" link under availability. Since the library subscribes to a number of streaming media platforms that are searchable through the library catalog, you may find a streaming version that is immediately available for use.

This means less time spent by library staff checking streaming platforms for existing licenses, which means fewer delays in the digitization process, and faster turnaround times!

Which streaming platforms are searchable in the library catalog?

Currently, the following streaming platforms are discoverable in our catalog:

  • Alexander Street Press
  • Ambrose
  • Digital Theatre+
  • Digitalia Film Library
  • Films on Demand

Are there other places I should check before submitting a digitization request?

The library also provides access to streaming video through:

  • DocuSeek2 - Streaming titles are available for immediate access
  • Kanopy - Faculty can submit requests for streaming titles directly on the platform
  • Swank - Faculty can submit requests for streaming titles directly on the platform

Due to copyright requirements, we must license a streaming video if one is available through our existing collections before attempting to digitize a DVD. Searching for films either in the library catalog or in one of the above-listed collections will speed up access to streaming media and reduce the amount of time required to process digitization requests.

What if I am unable to locate a streaming video or physical DVD in the library's collections?

If you are unable to locate a title after checking the library's streaming video collections and the library catalog, you can submit a purchase request using the Suggest a Purchase form, or by searching for the item in the catalog and selecting Purchase Request under the "How to get it" section.

Davidson College Library Research Guides are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mailing Address: Davidson College - E.H. Little Library, 209 Ridge Road, Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035