Found one helpful article?
For the journals below, enter the title into our Journal Finder resource to check availability and submit an interlibrary loan request if needed.
International Communication Association
Communication, Culture, & Critique
Communication Theory
Journal of Communication *top journal in comm.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Human Communication Research
National Communication Association
Communication Education
Communication Monographs
Communication Teacher
Critical/Cultural Studies
Critical Studies in Media Communication
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication
Quarterly Journal of Speech *top journal in rhetoric
Text and Performance Quarterly *performance studies research can be found here
Regional Associations
Western Journal of Communication
Communication Reports
Southern Communication Journal
Communication Studies
Communication Research Reports
Communication Quarterly
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication
Other widely-cited, (inter)disciplinary journals:
Communication Research
Discourse & Society
Health Communication
Journal of Health Communication
Management Communication Quarterly
Howard Journal of Communications *top journal for race research in comm.
Mass Communication & Society
New Media & Society
Media Psychology
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
Journal of Family Communication
Television & New Media
Feminist Media Studies
Sex Roles
Gender & Society *top journal in Sociology for gender research
Women’s Studies in Communication
Women & Language
Journal of Communication and Religion
International Journal of Sport Communication
Communication & Sport
Environmental Communication
Management Communication Quarterly
Organization Studies
Environmental Communication
International Journal of Strategic Communication
Journal of Risk Research
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Journal of Communication Management
Public Relations Review
Health, Risk, & Society
Please note: This list is not exhaustive; there are many specialized journals that are also widely used by communication scholars in topics like conflict management, crisis management, family and relationship communication, group dynamics, media studies, and more. Communication Studies also borrows from and contributes to the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, philosophy, business, education, and more.
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